Christianity, like many religions, has drawn from earlier traditions, incorporating and adapting beliefs, rituals, and myths. Below is a 12-point comparison showing how Christianity is influenced by pre-existing religious traditions. 1. Creation Stories Christianity: Genesis describes God creating the world in six days. Earlier Religions: Babylonian Enuma Elish tells of…
View moreMost tellingly, there is no substantial evidence for any of these claims. Yes, people get better from disease after prayer, but many don’t. If God DID play, well, God, and waved the magic wand occasionally, he seems to do it very randomly, so randomly in fact that if it seems…
View moreWe learn from The Bible that after Mary’s involuntary impregnation by God, Joseph considers his options. We ask, Did God let Joseph unnecessarily doubt his wife’s integrity? The Immaculate Conception Luke 1:26–38 tells the story of ‘The Annunciation’, where the angel Gabriel visits Mary to inform her that she will…
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